Friday, 22 July 2011

How to: twisted hair updo

I've been on a bit of a mission to learn new hairstyles for summer, so that I don't just stick my hair in a messy bun any time I can't be bothered to wear it down. So far it has gone quite well, and I've managed heidi braids, a french braid updo (I'm much better at this now!) and a hair scarf/mini beehive combo.

This week I tried this weird twisty updo thing and it is SUPER easy and I think it looks quite cool.

I found a step by step guide on a site called the Beauty Department (weirdly by Lauren Conrad - her from the Hills). Here's how they do it..

& here's my version...

Now, clearly mine is a lot (considerably) scruffier than Lauren's, but I've not mastered sleek locks yet. I also did this on quite mucky hair, which I think helped the twists stay in, but it would look sleeker on newly washed hair.  I also didn't start with wavy hair... who has time to style before they style? (Sleek haired people, I guess).

Excuse my knackered expression!

I really like it though! I think it's something that will obviously improve with practice (I had to try a couple of times before getting the initial bun/rest of hair ratio right), but for an 11pm attempt it is okay!

There are loads of events coming up, so I'm planning to try this again for my work festival party, and I will endeavour to get clearer photos (I am not good at lazy 11pm photography, sorry!).


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Looks great! Will have to give it a try myself, thanks for the tutoial x

  3. This is sooo pretty! Thanks for blogging about it. I am a big fan of LC so i'll have to check out this beauty site! x

  4. Juliet says hi to Juliet :)
    thank you for an awesome hairstyle !
    I added you !

  5. Wow that looks great! I am going to try this, thanks for the tutorial : ) Great blog and great post, I am following,follow me too?? xx

  6. Thanks everyone! The site is actually great, so many things to try out. x

  7. I love this hair do - will give it a go!
    I think sleek hair only occurs when the hair dressed washes, dries then waves your hair pre-styling and taking photos of you holding things as though you're actually doing in yourself. That's what I choose to believe anyway to excuse my non sleek hair ;)

    Much Love
    Roisin ELizabeth

  8. Haha, I think you are right! x

  9. Thank you for this step by step'sy stunning
    I also share some beautiful hairstyles too


Thank you so much for commenting, it is lovely and really makes my day!

If you have any questions I will do my best to answer them quickly, or you can also tweet me @eversojuliet
