Friday, 21 October 2011


Hi, I'm back! I had an absolutely amazing holiday... loads of sunshine, theme parks, american food, meeting an astronaut (!), beaches, ice cream sundaes, zombie nights out, pop punk gigs & so much more!

I am currently resizing and organising over 1000 photos (oh god oh god oh god) & will have a couple of holiday blog posts soon (although only a tiny number of photos, don't worry!). But in the meantime, here's my first blog giveaway - some lovely things I picked up in the USA!

Wilton cookie cutters - these are SO cute. I swithered over getting a set for myself too and didn't because I was worried about suitcase space.... I am regretting it now! I really like food in the shape of other food... and now you too can make cookies shaped like cupcakes!

Goobers - chocolate covered peanuts. Not going to lie, I bought these purely for their name. It is daft.

Crayola nail art pen - this is AMAZING! It's so easy to use (I think maybe even easier even than the wah nail art pen!) and really does work just like a pen, no squeezing or brushes involved.

Crayola scented nail polish - these are clearly aimed at children but I don't care, they smell amazing (and actually work!). Your nails can be grape, blueberry, green apple, orange or bubblegum (or grape & bubblegum if you use it for leopard print nails).

Here's how to enter...

1. Follow the blog on google friend connect.
2. Comment on this entry with your email address.
3. For extra chances - follow on twitter (1 extra entry), like on facebook (1 extra entry) or blog about this giveaway (3 extra entries!). Tell me about this in your comment.

The giveaway will close on November 4th! Good luck.

p.s. please don't enter if you are deathly allergic to things that have been sniffed by curious cats. I did try to keep him away, but he likes to nosy at EVERYTHING.


  1. Awww this is so lovely! Please enter me:

    I also tweeted about the giveaway at!/dpatterson22/status/127304278783172608

    and liked your facebook page (Can´t believe I wasn´t liking it already because I definitely do like it!:))

    Thanks:) x

  2. I'd like to enter please! I agree on the food shaped like other foods thing!

    I follow via GFC: Sarah


  3. ever so juliet i would like to enter and i know i dont do any blog stuff myself (as im probably not allowed to write anything about my work and dont do anything else interesting)but im sure you can laugh at my mental attempts at being crafty which i can send you pictures of.


  4. AH! How did I not see this till now! I blame my Google Reader for being annoying! I follow you on Google Friend Connect :D.

  5. Oh I also follow on Facebook and Twitter! Sorry left that out of the comment above :D.

  6. Yes please to any of the above and no objections whatsoever to things having been checked out by a cat. That's how I prefer my stuff.

    Follow you on facebook as well :) for entering the giveaway please.

    Marlous xx

    PS Love the space nails!

  7. Hello :o)
    Just discovered your blog thanks to your post on Models Own page on facebook...just gonna spend some time looking through all your blogs...looking good so far! ;o)
    I'm now also following you on Facebook & Twitter & my email address is really like some goodies please!!!! ;o)
    love Jude x

  8. Oh my gosh, enter me please! I did not know Crayola did nail polishes, and scented ones too, I will have to look out for them next time I go to America! I follow you on GFC and I tweeted :)

  9. ha, my cat is the same too - soooooo curious about everything! absolutely love this, and i've just realised that there's a nail pen! I thought it was a felt tip marker, when did crayola get so COOL! Kids are so lucky these days!

    Would love to enter this giveaway, thank you for hosting it. ( xxxx

  10. ooooh please enter me!!

    Follow via GFC : charlieswonderland
    Follow via Twitter: charlieswonder

  11. I'd like to enter please!
    I also follow on Facebook (Millicent).
    My email is helenrbuk @ (obviously without spaces!)

    Thanks for doing a wonderful giveaway :) x


Thank you so much for commenting, it is lovely and really makes my day!

If you have any questions I will do my best to answer them quickly, or you can also tweet me @eversojuliet
